Starting School
You and your child are invited to school to meet and talk with Katie Butler the headteacher, class teachers and other children prior to starting school.
Please telephone or email the school office (01394 411365 / to make an appointment.
Children who are five during the academic year September to August start school in September. They can start full time in the September before their 5th birthday, or attend part-time until the term in which they are 5. Exceptionally, they can postpone entry to school until they are actually 5 years old; however, this would not normally be the school's preferred option.
Every care is taken to ensure children are initiated happily into school life. Parents can apply online by the published closing date if they wish their child to start at Bawdsey School the following September. If the deadline has passed, the online link will no longer be available and you should contact the Suffolk Local Education Authority by telephone.
Suffolk County Council co-ordinated admissions schemes have been drawn up in order to ensure that all applications for the admission of statutory aged pupils to maintained primary, infant, junior, middle, upper or high schools in Suffolk are handled fairly, consistently and efficiently. Bawdsey School complies with the Voluntary Controlled Primary School scheme which is available on the Suffolk County Council website
On gaining a place at Bawdsey Primary, there will be an Induction Morning, when you are your child are invited together to meet the headteacher, staff and children and to have a tour of the school.