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School uniform


Children at Bawdsey School are pleased to wear their school uniform which includes a logo which was designed by the children themselves. School uniform can be ordered online from Brigade.




Everyday uniform

  • Navy blue sweat shirts and fleeces with the Bawdsey School logo can be purchased online.
  • Blue polo shirts and grey skirts and trousers are worn with grey or white socks or navy tights.
  • During the summer months children are encouraged to wear short grey trousers and blue checked dresses.
  • Children should wear shoes, or smart sandals in the summer. Not boots unless your child has a medical condition which needs them to wear boots. (Please discuss this with school if this is applicable.
  • All school uniform should be named.

P.E., Swimming and Sports

All children are requested to have white tee-shirts, navy shorts and plimsolls. Key Stage 2 children also need football boots or trainers and an unbranded navy/ black track-suit for outdoor sessions. P.E. clothing needs to be marked with child's name, and kept in a P.E. kit bag in school.

Children in Key Stage 2 need a swimsuit, swimming hat and towel for swimming sessions. For safety reasons children are not allowed to wear any jewellery, including earrings, in P.E. sessions and long hair should be tied back.


Brigade online ordering


If you have any problems with regard to ordering uniform online please ask at the school office for help, we will be more than happy to guide you through the order process.