School Clubs
Breakfast Club
We are delighted that Bawdsey Breakfast Club continues to operate daily in the school hall from 8.00am with Mrs Cave and Mrs Lincoln.
The cost is £2.50 per session, preferably payable a week in advance via parent pay (other payment options are available, please ask at the office).
A one-off booking form when your child comes for the first time is required.
For families in receipt of Free School Meals there is no charge for Breakfast club attendance. Since the national financial crisis hit, we have reduced our costs and, for families with three or more children, we will only ask for payment for two of the children.
Please contact the Headteacher if you require further information.
After School Care
Did you know Bawdsey CEVCP School runs an after school club?
The children have a range of activities they can enjoy. They are also provided with a snack when they stay.
If you would like your child to come to the club, please book with the office a minimum of 24 working hours in advance of the session you wish to book. Since the national financial crisis hit, we have reduced our costs and, for families with three or more children, we will only ask for payment for two of the children.
The sessions are 3.15-5.15 Monday to Friday when pre-booked.
The first hour the child is in for the evening is £3 and every hour or part hour thereafter is £2.50.
Payment is required at the time of booking.
To download a booking form click on the link below.
After school club booking form.
Frequently asked questions:
- Can my child do a teacher-led club first (unpaid), then come to after school club? YES - their first hour whichever it is will be £3 though.
- Can I just do infrequent evenings? YES
- Can I have other people pick up my child? YES as long as you have put it on the after-school club booking in form.
- If I have forgotten to book or have an emergency which I then need my child to attend the club can I book my child in? YES if the club is running already, or we can get staff to cover it. (This may take a few moments to find and check cover is available.)
- What if I no longer need my child to have the session I booked? Can I have my money back? YES as long as we have 48 hours' notice: as we have to give the staff notice.
- What snacks are provided? Rice cakes and fruit. (Depends on provisions at the time.) Milk and water is also available.
- What do the snacks cost? Nothing- It is in the price of the club.
- What staffing is available? There are two members of staff on site at all times.
- Can my child bring additional food for tea if they are booked in? YES please consider though that the food cannot be put into a fridge during the day.
- Can my child do their homework or reading while they are at the club? YES if you request this at the time of booking and the staff to pupil ratio allows us to give it the proper attention, we will help with this.
Other School Clubs
School clubs are a strong part of Bawdsey School life.
This is a guide to the clubs currently available, but they are all subject to change.
Art club for Years 1-6 with Mrs Williams.
School Council for all years- elected pupils with Mrs Briggs during lunchtime.
Lego club for Years Rec-6 with Mrs Briggs.
Line Dancing club for Years 3-6 with Mrs Moffatt.
Team training for sports competitions for children going to competitions with Mrs Stone during lunchtimes.
Sport club (gymnastics) for years Rec, 1 and 2 with our sport provider Xtratime sport.
Choir for years 1-6 with Mrs Head during lunchtime 12.30-1.
Craft club years 3-6 with Mrs Lincoln.
Sport club for years 3,4,5 and 6 with our sport provider Xtratime sport.