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Attendance & Absences

If a child is away from school, a letter is required concerning the nature of the absence. If your child is unwell, we require a phone call before 9.30am on each day of his or her absence.

Holidays are not encouraged during term time. A leave of absence request form should be submitted to the Head Teacher four weeks in advance of an intended absence, stating why the absence needs to be in term time and cannot be in any other school holiday time throughout the year. Each absence request will be considered on a case-by-case basis by the Head Teacher. Please do not ask your children to mislead us about an absence, they can rarely maintain this and it puts them in an awkward situation with knowing they should be being honest with school staff.

Bawdsey CECVP School encourages all parents/carers to work in partnership with the school to improve attendance and punctuality and recognises that “parents have the primary responsibility to ensure that pupils of compulsory school age attend school regularly”.

Our Pupil absence figures in 2023/2024

Whole School Percentage was %                                       National for primary schools 2024: 94,5%

Absence combined %                                                          Absence combined: 5.5%

Persistent absence below 90% attendance is %               Persistent absence: 15.2%

Our Pupil absence figures in 2022/ 2023

Whole School Percentage was 95.87%                                       National for primary schools 2023: 94%

Absence combined 4.13%                                                          Absence combined: 6%

Persistent absence below 90% attendance is 20%               Persistent absence 17.2%

The information below is from the DFE school performance website


Admissions Policy for Suffolk LA Schools


Behaviour Policy


Being reviewed.

Accessibility Policy



Anti Bullying Policy

Within the policy there is a section to support Parents and Carers. Also, a long list of links and supporting organisations who may be able to help families. Copied below...

Useful Links and Supporting Organisations


The following links may provide additional support to children, staff or families.

• Anti-Bullying Alliance:

• Childline:

• Family Lives:

• Kidscape:

• MindEd:


• PSHE Association:

• Restorative Justice Council:

• The Diana Award:

• Victim Support:

• Young Minds:

• Young Carers:



• Childnet:

• Internet Watch Foundation:

• Report Harmful Content:

• UK Safer Internet Centre:

• The UK Council for Internet Safety (UKCIS):

• DfE ‘Cyberbullying: advice for headteachers and school staff’:

• DfE ‘Advice for parents and carers on cyberbullying’:



• Changing Faces:

• Mencap:

• Anti-Bullying Alliance Cyberbullying and children and young people with SEN and disabilities:

DfE: SEND code of practice: to-25  


Race, Religion and Nationality

• Anne Frank Trust:

• Kick it Out:

• Report it:

• Stop Hate:

• Tell Mama:

• Educate against Hate:

• Show Racism the Red Card: LGBTQ+

• Barnardo’s LGBTQ Hub:

• Metro Charity:


• Proud Trust:

• Schools Out:

• Stonewall: 


Sexual Harassment and Sexual Bullying

• NSPCC ‘Report Abuse in Education’ Helpline: 0800 136 663 or

Ending Violence Against Women and Girls (EVAW):

• Disrespect No Body:

• Anti-bullying Alliance: Preventing and responding to Sexual Bullying:

• Anti-bullying Alliance: advice for school staff and professionals about developing effective anti-bullying practice in relation to sexual bullying:

• Childnet Project DeShame (Online Sexual Harassment and Bullying):


Charging and Remissions Policy



Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy




The Governors hope that if parents do have concerns or complaints, they will discuss them in the first instance with the class teacher and/or headteacher, so that every effort can be made to resolve the matter as quickly and informally as possible. Where necessary the headteacher will try to resolve issues through discussions with parent and teacher. If however, the issue cannot be resolved in this way, it may be referred first to the Chairperson of Governors of the school or, if that fails, to the Area Education Manager.



Consultation and School Reports

Regular consultation between home and school is a feature at Bawdsey School and certainly benefits all children.

The head and class teachers are very happy to talk on an informal basis most days. However, if something may take a while to discuss fully, or if the teacher may need to prepare relevant information, please make an appointment in advance. These can be arranged at any time that is mutually convenient, the school also provides phone slot appointments with all class teachers in the opposite half-term to the consultation evenings for parents/ carers.  The head or class teacher may also at times invite parents/ carers to the school to discuss their child's progress. Formal Consultation Evenings are held in the autumn, spring and summer terms for parents/ carers to discuss with teachers any issues arising from their child's School Report or other aspects of school life. Each child has a full Annual School Report in July with a two smaller summary reports in the other two terms.

Each term class teachers write to parents/ carers outlining the work of the term so that parents are informed of what their child is doing in school and can develop this through links at home. See the 'Visit our classes' page on the website for past copies.

ECT policy

We are using the local provider: Ambition Institute with the Unity Teaching Hub to provide our ECTs with the ability to understand and apply the knowledge and skills set out in the ECF ‘learn that’ and ‘learn how to’ statements and equip them with the tools to be effective and successful teachers.

Emergency Contacts

It is the responsibility of the parents/ carers to inform the School of any changes of address or telephone numbers used for emergency contact. The school requires a minimum of two phone contacts for each child in case of emergency,

Equality Information and Objectives



Suspension and Permanent Exclusion Policy

Arrangements in the event of bad weather

If there is a heavy snowfall overnight and consequently a possibility of school closure, please look on our school website at and listen to local radio as they will broadcast regular updates. Please don't telephone the school or Suffolk County Council.

BBC Radio Suffolk: 104.6, 103.9 and 95.5 FM

(updates at 10 minutes past and 20 minutes to each hour)

Information will also be appearing on the Suffolk County Council website with a direct link to showing a regularly updated list of closed schools.

If we have heavy snowfall during the day and we decide to close the school, we shall send a text to the mobile number that you provided in September so please look out for this.

HEART FM (Ipswich & Bury St Edmunds): 97.1 and 96.4 FM (every 15-30 minutes)

Information will also be appearing on these websites:

A list of closed schools can be found here:-

(there is a direct link from the Suffolk County Council website)

Healthy Eating



Health and Safety 




It is fully recognised at Bawdsey Primacy School that the child benefits most where the home and school work in close partnership. The parental/ carer contributions to children's learning have a positive impact on the rate of each child's progress. Children who extend their learning at home make progress more rapidly. At Bawdsey School we provide opportunities for children to do this and have a Homework Policy which is shared with parents. Spellings, reading and mathematical activities are included as homework. We sometimes send additional homework, like in preparation for Science week- which the children love!


Induction Policy

Keeping Children Safe in Education

Nursery Admissions

On-Line Safety and acceptable use

Promoting the School

There are times when children are photographed or filmed taking part in school activities for wider interest such as local newspapers; sometimes photographs are used on our school websites. If parents do not wish their child to be included in these photographs please notify the school in writing.

Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE)

Relationship and Sex Education and Health Education

Supporting Children with Medical Conditions

Mental Health and Wellbeing policy

Travelling Alone

Uniform Policy


Voluntary Parent/ Carer and Community Helpers

Parents and local community volunteers are welcomed into the school to help with reading on a regular basis with many activities and events in the school. The benefits of this are appreciated by all. All volunteers are DBS checked.