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Educational Visits

'The school’s values are threaded into the broad and balanced curriculum which includes experiences and trips to further ensure the rounded development of each child. Learning includes the use of ‘big questions’ which is fuelling pupils’ curiosity and increasing their confidence. The headteacher ensures that all pupils have learning opportunities through beach school and forest school. They use their local environment, including the beach, to develop their appreciation and care for God’s world' SIAMs inspection report March 2020

We have a rolling four-year plan of visits and experiences which we feel are important to broaden the pupils' cultural capital, to support their learning, or development of their individual skills and understanding of the world. This is presently under review as items were missed and had to change due to the COVID years when trips and visits were prohibited. The original plan was made in consultation with pupils, parents/ carers, staff and Governors and will be shared and consulted on again when it is revised.


A range of educational weekly day visits connected with the ongoing work in the classes are offered to the children.

Forest Schools

A forest school programme over 6+ sessions is a transformational experience, with children growing in confidence and gaining independence. Exploring nature at their own pace, children learn to investigate, take risks safely, solve problems and gain knowledge through first-hand experience. We have the sessions on our own school site or in Bawdsey Church's churchyard. These sessions are weekly and this year each class has had up to two half-terms of Forest School sessions. 

Wild Beach and coastal connections

Wild Beach brings the forest schools philosophy to Suffolk's coastal habitats. Over 6+ sessions through a positive, play-based approach, children develop an understanding of beach and marine ecosystems and learn about land and sea life through explorative and creative activities. These sessions are weekly and this year each class has had up to two half-terms of Beach School sessions. 

Suffolk Schools Agricultural Show

Class 2 always look forward to their visit to the Suffolk Showground organised by the Suffolk Agricultural Association. Every two years thousands of Suffolk Primary school children take part in their own education-orientated version of the Suffolk Show. There are many interactive events where they can see sheep being sheared, horses being shoed, bloodhounds in action and sheepdog trials. Amongst other things they can also learn about livestock, farm machinery through the ages, local farm produce and, always very popular, taste locally produced farm food.

Sporting Fixtures

As part of the Suffolk School Games awards we often take children from years 2-6 to different sporting fixtures in the county, which they love. We presently have a Gold School Games Award for the school. 

Other visits have included:

Visits to Orford Castle, the Norfolk and Suffolk Aviation museum, Snape Schools Music festival, IP12 schools' Upper KS2 debating day and other IP12 events, visits to the Red House in Aldeburgh, the Latitude festival, The Suffolk Punch Trust, the Cathedral in Bury St Edmunds and Mosque in Ipswich. 



Due to legislation we can ask parents/ carers only for voluntary contributions towards the cost of any school visits. Without these contributions the visits cannot take place. We appreciate this may sometimes be difficult for some families, and the headteacher will be happy to discuss in confidence exceptions with families concerned.